MyGala Vendor Agreement

This Vendor Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into as of [Date] ("Effective Date") by and between MyGala, ("MyGala"), and the undersigned Vendor.

1. Services and Responsibilities

1.1 Vendor Responsibility

Vendor agrees to accept complete responsibility for the provision of the agreed-upon services and shall not hold MyGala responsible for the provision of any resources required to fulfill the contracted job.

1.2 Cancellations and Rescheduling

Vendor acknowledges that MyGala shall not be held liable for any cancellations or rescheduling of bookings initiated by the client.

1.3 Portfolio Representation

Vendor affirms that the showcased portfolio uploaded on MyGala accurately represents their own work.

1.4 Pricing Confidentiality

Vendor shall not disclose the actual pricing details to clients or any other parties once a booking is confirmed through MyGala.

1.5 Communication Protocol

Vendor shall refrain from contacting the client outside of the MyGala platform. Any breach of this condition may result in the suspension or banning of the Vendor's profile.

1.6 Fulfillment of Duties

Vendor agrees to fulfill the duties committed to the clients in accordance with the terms agreed upon through the MyGala platform.

1.7 Content Sharing

Vendor consents to share content, including but not limited to photos and videos, for marketing purposes on MyGala.

1.8 Liability for Portfolio Content

Vendor assumes all liability associated with the content showcased in their portfolio.

1.9 Watermark Requirement

For individuals signing up as video editors and photo editors, they are required to include the MyGala watermark on their deliverables.

2. Taxes

2.1 Tax Responsibilities

Vendor is responsible for paying any applicable taxes, including goods and services or value-added taxes, based on the services provided and the jurisdiction applicable.

2.2 Additional Taxes

Ad valorem or other taxes, such as GST in India, may apply to fees charged by MyGala based on Vendor's residency or location, and these taxes will be added to the fees billed to the Vendor, if applicable.

2.3 Income Tax Compliance

Vendor acknowledges the obligation to comply with income tax provisions applicable in their jurisdiction.

3. No Agency; No Employment

3.1 Relationship Clarification

This Agreement does not create an agency, partnership, joint venture, employer-employee, or franchisor-franchisee relationship between MyGala and the Vendor.

4. Facilitation Services; Payment Process

4.1 Facilitation Role

MyGala's role is to facilitate connections between Freelancers and Clients for Task fulfillment. MyGala does not guarantee success in securing jobs with Prospective Customers.

4.2 Payment Process

Payments for completed work must be processed through MyGala's platform. Any attempts to pay outside of MyGala may result in sanctions, including immediate account suspension.

4.3 Reporting Requirement

Users are required to report any offers to pay outside of MyGala made by any party immediately to MyGala.

5. Duration and Termination

5.1 Duration

This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and continue until terminated by either party with a written notice of [number of days] days.

5.2 Termination by MyGala

MyGala reserves the right to terminate this Agreement immediately in the event of any material breach by the Vendor.

6. Miscellaneous

6.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between MyGala and the Vendor and supersedes all prior agreements, whether oral or written.This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and continue until terminated by either party with a written notice of [number of days] days.

6.2 Any modifications to this Agreement must be in writing and signed by bots parties.

6.3 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [State/Country], without regard to its conflict of laws principles

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